Cara is an ICF accredited coach and since 2010 has helped hundreds of people figure out how to live their best next stage in life, a life that they have agency over and is aligned to their values, what they are good at and what they love to do.

Inspired by her own father who changed his stars age 64, getting married for the first time and then having three daughters, Cara is experiencing her own next stage in life.

From Cambridge graduate to employed Chartered Surveyor in London to professional Life, Leadership and Mindset Coach and Business Owner, and being a wife, mum, divorced and Spaniel breeder along the way, Cara is her own best case study that your next best life is waiting for you to grab it and embrace it.

Cara brings a wealth of experience, wisdom and warmth to coaching others through their career and life transitions.


Paul is an experienced executive coach who works with individuals facing challenge, uncertainty and transitions in their lives. The first half of his career was spent at KPMG as a business restructuring specialist. He trained as a coach in 2012 and since then has coached hundreds of individuals – from graduate to partner and executive board level – through various career transitions.

He is an accredited Senior Practitioner (EMCC) and holds an advanced diploma in Transformational Coaching. He is an accredited Senior Practitioner (EMCC) and holds an advanced diploma in Transformational Coaching.

Paul works with individuals to help them enhance their thinking; he explores how they make decisions and what will give them confidence and clarity in their actions and behaviours. He draws on psychology and neuroscience and is happy to share models, tools and techniques with those he works with. He is particularly focussed on enabling his clients to continue to flourish even after the coaching has finished.


Kelly is a qualified executive and leadership coach with specialist training in emotions-based coaching. She is also a pensions actuary and is studying psychology with business.

Prior to learning the theory and practice of coaching, she spent 15 years in the corporate world, as a consultant and more recently pensions director, leading people and projects.

Kelly has lived and breathed coaching as a leader and through her own career transition. She engaged in self-exploration looking at her own values, strengths and interests before deciding to start her own coaching practice.

Kelly supportively challenges her clients to access, understand and integrate insight from their emotions and cognition in order to make informed decisions and take their next right step.